
Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Freedom is still a myth

I quote Shri Bal Gangadhar Tilak “Swaraj is my birthright and I shall have it.”It is not just India but majority of the world which is built on the basic principle of human freedom. Hundreds of years of monarchy, totalitarianism, autocracy and various other systems have led humanity to understand the basic fact that individual freedom and expression of thought are the only principles which can keep a society non-stagnant, progressive and happy. Freedom can be helpful and progressive as long as an individual respects the similar rights of one’s fellow individuals, follows one’s own heart and does not hurt any other individual in emotional, physical or any other possible way.
All of it being an understood fact it can also be rightly said that any individual does also reserve the right to privacy provided one does not go against the statements written above. The religion one follows, one’s beliefs and one’s sexual orientations are a few of the examples which are too private to be discussed or disclosed in public. And the extent to which an individual is comfortable in being open about these issues should again be left to him/her.
377 is one number which goes against this basic right. What this archaic article does is take away an individual’s freedom to be happy, to enjoy, to live freely, to have sex in a way one wants to. What this law does is to take away an individual’s right to love. The most sacred of the emotions is questioned with Article 377.It criminalizes any form of ‘unnatural sex’. Firstly one needs to understand what the word ‘natural’ in our society symbolizes. Simplest of the definitions being that anything which is not man-made can be regarded as being ‘natural’. So, for any activity to be natural the society compares it to the behavior patterns of animals, birds, wildlife etc. And if one agrees with the point just stated, then sex in any form whatsoever is natural. Inter-species sex, homo-sex or any other form is as natural as animals defecating. Studies over many a decade have proved that different kinds of sexual behavior is prevalent in many animals, birds etc. And if 377 is practiced as it should be then a lion or a giraffe are as much of criminals as any of the LGBTs.
Anyone who is not in favour of removing Article 377 belongs to the middle ages. Such individuals do not realize that being so narrow minded and not respecting human rights is the basic reason behind many of the great wars. Taking away one’s freedom to enjoy and making them obey orders, which in a certain way, the individual does not approve of, is the main reason behind any non-progressive society.
And if India is actually free, not just from the British, but from medieval thinking then 377 should be a number that should not make people scared to accept who they are.


  1. Nice one brother..Enjoyed it reading..i don know exactly what to say..may be the word in the law
    needs a change..or it is not interpreted as blatantly as you have done...

    P.S: Though this may negate the meaning of blogs..but avoid youself from using extreme comments as you have done in the second last para..

  2. well...its not my statements that are extreme...but those who hold those views and deny freedom...
