
Thursday, November 26, 2009

YES WE CAN eh????

A year after 26/11.People are crying, holding candle light vigils, watching programs on TV, doing all sorts of things to show solidarity to the victims of last year.BUT, we didn't do anything this year on 13th Sep.?or 11 July?or 29th Oct?You dont remember these dates?Ah...neither did I.I googled them.
I do not see a point in lighting candles and being silent and thniking about them when I donot do anything about it.Yes.Its my sheer laziness to not change the system.Even after being educated and earning I do not have the courage to shake up this pathetic system.
I ask myself "Is the only thing that I can do is to go upto India Gate on the date of the last blast and light a candle to show people that I 'care'.That my 'spirit' is alive.That I love my country?"
Nah..I realise I am a selfish bastard who can only sit in a drawing room and crib about politicians and weep for the martyrs and shout slogans at public places but message people to wear 'white' and come to the 'blah blah' place to light a candle and cry.I can only pay my taxes to feed KASAB and keep him alive so as to 'Get more evidence from him'.I can only keep shouting what I have been since 1989-"WE WILL NOT TOLERATE CROSS BORDER TERRORISM.".I can only write in such stupid forums and make people read it.I can only want things to change.I can only have faith in my "HONOURED COURTS" because they deliver 'justice' in time. I can only show my anger.I can only keep on saying "What can I do?".I can only say "We are one".I can only love my cricket stars.I can only abuse the Thakreys and also love them at the same time.I can only live in the hope that one day would come.I can only say - "We cant attack a nuclear power".I can only say "We have put a lot of pressure and that is the reason there hasnt been a blast in the last year."ACHIEVEMENT!!!I can only put a flag badge of the tricolour on my shirt on 26th Jan and 15th Aug.I can always say "I love my India". I can always play "Ma tujhe salaam" on full volume.
Now lets see what are my limitations.
I cant EVER actually mean WE HAVE HAD ENOUGH.
I cant show my DISGUST towards the COURTS. They are HONOURABLE.
I cant ever DO ANYTHING myself which for once would make my countrymen feel that India IS a strong nation.
I cant get America's 'permission' to do something about Pakistan.
I cant obviously force America to not put more money into Pakistan.
I cant MYSELF know about people like Richard Headley.
I cant throw KASAB open onto the streets for people to kill him.CUZ.
I cant stop being proud of being a DEMOCRACY.

I love my country.
I might have even 'breast fed' you KASAB if I had one.I need my time to deliver justice.I need another Liberahan comission setup for you.
Yes we can?? GHANTA!