
Friday, August 14, 2009

My 15th-not yet.

Today is 14th August.A day before our 62nd Independence Day.
And Ive received almost 10 messages by 6 pm in the evening wishing me a "Happy Independence Day in advance".I see cars with flags.I see malls decorated with the tricolour.People sporting tricolour badges on their shirts.Facebook and Orkut and all other social networking sites suddenly filled with messages and videos of patriotism.I see people suddenly becoming 'proud of their nation'.
And this euphoria comes twice every year.Jan and Aug.2nd October is usually forgotten.
But I do not understand that where does all this enthusiasm evaporate by the 17th?
We talk about our soldiers, army , Kargil and everything related to country's defence during this time.But as soon as this is over we forget about the hundreds of retired personnel who sit on roads in central Delhi and demand their pensions to be increased.We dont give a f*** about who dies in JK or anywhere else.We even think about the retired JCO living in some remote village of Rajasthan whose ancestral home has been taken away from him forcefully when he was away serving us.We cheer at slumdog millionaire but never have the courage enough to go into a slum oursleves and teach the kids.We criticise Mr.Manmohan or Mr.narendra Modi on their policies but do not dare to do anything against it.Hundreds of other examples.

I seem too preachy which I donot want to be.What I want is simply that in the future 15th Augusts I do have something to be proud of.That in the coming ones each year I can say to myself that I have done something for my country this year and not just be proud of what others have done. By the next 15th Aug I donot just message people for the heck of it or enjoy the day as any other holiday.By the next 15th Aug I do make myself worthwhile and hope many others do too.
Jai Hind.